Honorbale Co-Chairman and Members FPCCI Regional Standing Committee on R&D
Dear Sir,
As Advised by Mr. Manzoor ul Haq Malik, Chairman of the Committee, the first meeting of the FPCCI Regional Standing Committee on R&D will be held on Saturday the 2nd July 2011 at 11oo hours at FPCCI Regional Office 50-A Tufail Road, Lahore Cantt to discuss and analyze the role of Research & Development in the economic uplift of Pakistan.
The Agenda points of the meeting are as follow:-
1. To analyze the present economic development of Pakistan on what basis we have achieved our success and what will be our road map to achieve our future plans in the light of our failures.
2. Government should provide “LAND” for the construction of building to all the Chambers of Commerce & Industry in Punjab on reasonable rates, so that ruling group should not influence the working of respective Chambers.
3. All the Universities in Pakistan should be made responsible to produce at least 50 PhDs scholars every year in each University for each discipline for the promotion of science technology, emerging industrial sciences, social sciences, especially political sciences to counter the poisonous propaganda of Indians against Pakistan.
4. Need for strong liaison between Academia and Industry for awareness of their research in industry related projects.
5. Pakistani Mangoes are highly popular in US market but its export has been hampered by introducing ‘irradiation, a technical treatment” to make the fruits quality better by the USA.
6. It should be made imperative for every industry to impart on job training (Internship) in respective industry for the economic betterment of the country.
You are requested to please attend the meeting and confirm your participation on phone No. 042-37971367-467, 042-37970667 and E-mail: info@scci.net.pk
Best Regards,
Muzaffar Hameed
Jnt. Secretary (Coord. & Liaison)