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Corruption and its Impact on Public Business
 admin April 23, 2010, 03:22:12 PM 


The role of the public bureaucracy in achieving good governance cannot be under estimated. This can be gleaned from the central role it plays in the formulation and implementation of policies designed for the development of the society. In Pakistan, the role of the state bureaucracy has come under severe criticisms within the context of that gap that exists between its anticipated role and its actual output in guiding the society along the course leading to the desired goal - development. The efforts of the previous governments have not yielded the much-expected results due to the problem of corruption that has eaten deep to the fabric of the Pakistani society – the public bureaucracy not spared. Thus, the gains of good governance have been eluding the average Pakistani citizen.


It is noted and widely accepted that PPP and PML-N political coalition is hell-bent on good governance, which encompasses three different but not unrelated dimensions.


These are political dimension, which centers on the establishment of good objectives and the exercise of good leadership. Second, technical dimension which relates to the constraints which are imposed by natural resources, level of education manpower etc and thirdly, institutional dimension which relates to the ability to get things done or precisely efficiency in public management. In view of this, any effort geared toward promoting development in the society must consider the three dimensions. The bane of Pakistani public administration is that of corruption, which has not allowed the interrelationships that exist among the three variables to provide built – in- mechanism that has the capacity of engendering good governance. Therefore, under the leadership of President, Parliament shall submit that corruption must be positively addressed and reduced in the public bureaucracy for Pakistan to be able to meet the challenges of the 21st century.


Corruption Impacts Foreign Direct Investments


The adverse impact of cor ruption on foreign direct investments is equally well established. However, the extent to which different types of corruption may exert different impacts has hardly ever been addressed up to now.


Corruption embraces a variety of different activities such as the embezzlement of public funds in public utilities, the extortion of speed money in exchange for lowering tax assessments, commissions to parliamentarians in exchange for favorable legislation and bribery in exchange for public contracts. Each of these actions is likely to exert different consequences.


Without doubt, there is a linkage between transparency and probity of the political leaders and bureaucrats of a nation and its level of development. Corruption however has been the bane of development of many nations. The evil exists in every facet of world societies. You bride to get your child into a school, you pay to secure a job and you also continue to pay in some cases to retain it. You pay percentage of any contract obtained, you dash the tax officer to avoid paying taxes, you pay the hospital doctor and nurse to get proper attention, you pay the policemen to evade arrest. This catalogue of shame can continue without an end.


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