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 admin February 9, 2015, 08:23:10 AM 
1. No doubt, WAPDA played a significant role in the industrial development and public life of the country in generation of cheap hydle electricity with minimum price per unit. But with the passage of time the present and the previous Government have deliberately reduced the role of WAPDA. Now the responsibility of WAPDA have made limited to only operation and maintenance of existing hydle powers stations and construction of new water reservoirs and hydroelectric projects including dams etc.
2. At present, WAPDA is being defamed unjustly because load shedding, over billing, theft of electricity, faulted transformers and meters do not fall under the domain of WAPDA. These responsibilities have already been shifted on the shoulders of NEPRA, HABCO, PEPCO, LESCO, GEPCO and other electricity generation and distributional companies.
3. A massive drive is required to diffuse the impression that WAPDA is not responsible for causing load shedding, increased tariff rates and other electricity related problems.
4. WAPDA cannot perform its obligation for generation of hydle electricity according to the demands of the country, as WAPDA did not emphasize to undertake small hydle projects to be constructed on canal running throughout the year with plenty of water in Punjab and other provinces. If WAPDA have undertaken these projects after the completion of major dams in the country, we wouldn’t be suffering with shortage and high rate of electricity in these days. 
5. The prime objective of the WAPDA was to build dams, to proactively control floods and to irrigate the barren lands but with the passage of time neither WAPDA built small or big dams nor plan to irrigate the agriculture lands became true. Consequently WAPDA lost its credibility.
6. The biggest failure of WAPDA is to upgrade its existing outdated structure, which is unable to deliver to industrial, and agricultures sectors. No innovation and progress have been made in the existing system of WAPDA. Corruption has become routine of the day. No job is completed without offering bribe or illegal gratification to the employees of WAPDA. 
7. WAPDA has failed to attract the sympathies of citizens in connection with construction of Kala Bagh Dam and as such a viable, strong and project of National importance could not be completed after elapse of sufficient time due to negative propaganda against the Kala Bagh Dam. It was the responsibility of public relation department of WAPDA to raise a strong voice in the favor of construction of Kala Bagh Dam. 
8. Now it is the collective responsibility of the Pakistani Nation to determine a positive opinion in the favor of Kala Bagh Dam and other hydroelectricity projects in the country to get cheap and maximum quantity of electricity and food. Otherwise in the years to come Pakistan will face more severe electricity, food and economic problems. 
9. Due to shortage of electricity, other utilities, and buying power issues citizens of the under developed areas in Punjab, Southern Punjab, kpk, Baluchistan, Sindh, Fata, and Gilgit Baltistan are highly frustrated with social and economic injustice and day by day rising cost of life. If economic activities are generated, their people will be attracted towards healthy activities rather than getting involved in terrorism and illegal activities.
10. One of the most important shortcomings of Pakistan energy sector is the lack of technological base since Pakistani industry has hardly any expertise in the area of energy technologies. It has little idea of how the produce the energy systems e-component i.e. turbines, engines, generators and other electronics and control gadgets. WAPDA should pay also their attention towards the above stated areas to overcome the energy crises with saving and conservation devices. 
11. After the introduction of 18th Amendment in the Pakistan’s Constitution, Social Sector Development came under the domain of Provincial Governments but we regret to say the Provincial Governments did not bother for the development of economic infrastructure i.e. transportation, energy, irrigation, rural development and public work scheme in Punjab and other Provinces. People of the country living in the 21st Century have faced flood like situation in different cities of Punjab during 1947 to 2014. If the above sectors will remain underdeveloped which have direct links with the production infrastructure then poverty and hunger would never be eliminated and it will give birth to crime, terrorism and the business community will remain involved in reconstruction of their factory buildings and industrial infrastructure lost in the last flood. It will block new development in the country. It is therefore, along with WAPDA the prime responsibility for generation of electricity also lies with the business (Chamber of commerce & industry) and the Provincial Governments.
12. Wapda can develop its financial resources by developing lakes for water sports, fishing, boating, restaurants and other exciting tourist, public and goods transportation activities to generate revenue. 
It is pertinent to mention that R&D Department of Sheikhupura Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SCCI) is already working on several research reports like this and if anybody needs data and help, then kindly contact the undersigned, visit our website i.e. or email at
Manzoor ul Haq Malik
Chairman , Standing Committee for Coordination & Liaison
Former President –SCCI
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