INDUSTRIAL OPTION (PVT.) LTD. is a Corporate Organization privileged to launch a project regarding an Exhibition/ Display Center to provide industrial oriented facilities to the Pakistani Industries at there door step. The mentioned Exhibition/ Display Center is located at 23-Km Lahore-Sheikhupura Road, Sheikhupura. The project has been designed to give vent to its operational craft in the other parts of the country as well. The following utilities will be available for the industrial sector under the charter of the said project.
v Exhibition Hall for the display of industrial products which facilitates the sellers( both importers & exporters) , local manufacturers and the potential buyers in order to examine the appropriation of the considered products at a very convenient and easily accessible location.
v Availability of consultancy & services of the experienced and committed staff to resolve the buyer’s problems and to promptly check any sort of disorder, arising in the industrial sects.
v Preservation of identity for the local manufacturers along with the importers to sell their products under their own specific brand name to avail brand loyalty.
v Provision of a display interface for the industrial units and the potential buyers to boost up the sales & purchase of the industrial articles. Moreover, the potential buyers will be informed about the availability of their required industrial objects by news-letters to business men and the industrialists even if the required parts are kept or preserved in the premises of the concerned factory/industry.
v The foreign principals who seek new horizon for the projection of their brands are also warmly welcome by INDUSTRIAL OPTION (PVT.) LTD.
v Conducts of the series of Seminars/Training Courses are made possible with the collaboration of manufacturers and industrialists to equip the industrial staff with the advance industrial management skills.
v Those who hesitate to step up their own industrial units despite pouring sufficient investment will be provided a breakthrough on individual basis.
v The experienced individuals/companies, interested in the promotion of the industrial promotion programs or those who can make their mark in form of consultancy or suggestions for the improvement of the present industrial condition are cordially invited by INDUSTRIAL OPTION (PVT.) LTD
v INDUSTRIAL OPTION (PVT.) LTD Welcome everyone and assure its cooperation and best available services. INDUSTRIAL OPTION (PVT.) LTD is available around the clock in terms of by person , by telephone, fax and email and anxiously waiting for your warm response
1) Shahbaz Chemical Industries (Pvt.) Ltd.
2) Zain Board & Coating Industries
3) Sitara Chemical Industries Ltd.
4) Mandiali Paper Mills (Pvt.) Ltd.
5) Jamal Pipe Industries (Pvt.) Ltd.
6) Mughal Steel
7) Premier Paper Mills (Pvt.) Ltd.
8) Best Board (Pvt.) Ltd.
9) Cresent Art Fabrics (Pvt.) Ltd.
10) Sayid Paper Mills (Pvt.) Ltd.